Homeschooling in Singapore is not just for foreigners

Local homeschooled youths share the pros and cons of their unconventional curriculum.

For many, school seems like a daily dread.

It means waking up at 6am to battle the commuting crowd, attending dreary morning assemblies and sitting through endless math and science classes, just to get home with more work than you started the day with.

But for around 50 children in each cohort each year who are homeschooled, ‘school’ is a whole new experience.

Youth.SG spoke to three youths who grew up in a homeschooling environment to find out more about their experience: Caleb Ng, 19, and Ning Koo, 18 – who were both homeschooled by their parents till they were in Primary 5 and Secondary 4 respectively – and Dorothea Wong, 23, who chose to be homeschooled only at the age of 17.

Learning without worrying about grades

Homeschooling never seemed like an option to Dorothea until an exchange trip to the United Kingdom when she was 15 years old.

She gained a new perspective on what learning should be like after experiencing interactive English literature lessons, where they learnt their texts through live plays.

Dorothea later became dissatisfied with the local education system and its overemphasis on grades. She would then leave Dunman High Secondary’s Integrated Programme to start homeschooling at the age of 17.

“When you get an A grade, you feel happy, but you don’t remember anything you’ve memorised. I questioned the point of all this cramming and regurgitating,” said the Singapore Institute of Management undergraduate….

READ THE REST HERE: Homeschooling in Singapore is not just for foreigners


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