Singapore MOE Benchmarks for Home-schooling

Article regarding MOE benchmarks for home-schooled pupils compulsory PSLE EXAMS….

Tue, Dec 02, 2008
my paper

IN HIS letter, Mr George Rocknathan (“Home-schooled PSLE pupils’ problems”, my paper, Nov 26) asked about the benchmarks for home-schooled pupils, the review of examination papers and secondary-school placement for homes-chooled pupils.

Under the Compulsory Education Act, pupils who are exempted from studying in our national schools are exempted on the basis that they are adequately prepared, in terms of acquiring core knowledge, for further education and for participating in the world of work. Hence, they are required to take the PSLE.

The PSLE benchmarks for designated schools (madrasahs and San Yu Adventist School) and home-schooled pupils were developed by taking into account the profile of the pupils who wish to be exempted from compulsory education.

The implementation of compulsory education, including the setting of benchmarks, was decided after extensive public consultation. Inputs from individuals and groups were also considered.

The benchmarks for San Yu Adventist pupils and homeschoolers are pegged at the 33rd percentile of the aggregate score achieved by all merged-stream pupils who take the PSLE in the same year. Study the rest of Singapore MOE Homeschooling benchmarks HERE >>>>

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